Professional Intuitive and Clairvoyant

Other phone reading options

If your schedule does not permit arranging a callback of 15, 30 or 60-minutes, or in advance, you can opt to have a phone reading where you can pay by-the-minute.  Carol is available, periodically, through Click4Advisor, where you may pay as you go.  Carol is only available when her sign shows “available” and you will need to have sufficient funds in a Click4Advisor account in order for her to call you back. You may also get in line of Carol shows as “on a call” and she will call you back if time permits in her schedule.  However, Carol spends most of her available time offering scheduled callback phone readings, so she may only be available by the minute when she is not busy with other appointments. Therefore, the most effective way to arrange a call with Carol is to purchase a 15, 30 or 60-minute scheduled callback.